Irish Whip Fighting sat down with the one and only PRIDE FC Middleweight and Welterweight Champion, Dan "Hollywood" Henderson. We got his thoughts on PRIDE vs. UFC, Wanderlei Silva, his upcoming title fight with Rampage Jackson, if he plans to move down to Middleweight, and much more! An Interview By Ben Zeidler
Ben Zeidler: You've mentioned that you felt Wanderlei Silva was disrespectful towards you in interviews? Recently knocking out Wanderlei Silva, do you still have any negative feelings towards him?
Dan Henderson: I never really had negative feelings for him at all. I don't think he was that disrespectful, it was just…I always felt that we had mutual respect, especially after we fought the first time.
BZ: Do you have any plans to capture the UFC MW belt or do you prefer to fight at 205lbs now?
DH: Uh, I think it's up to me. The thing that I'm focused on right now is winning this fight, nothing else, whatever happens after that you know, happens.
BZ: Who in the UFC would you like to fight now that most of the talent pool is consolidated?
DH: I mean it doesn't matter to me, I mean, I'm just concerned about winning this fight and being the champ there and whoever is the, you know, the next guy in line for that title shot, I guess I'll be fighting him. Really, at this point it isn't up to me.
BZ: What made you test yourself in MMA after your wrestling career?
DH: Uh, well I started fighting while I was still wrestling. I wrestled for another three years when I started fighting. I was only fighting to get some money to keep wrestling. I had no desires to fight for that long but, once I started fighting full time, I started thinking that I was going to do it for much longer than I had anticipated.
BZ: What type of thoughts or feelings are running through your head knowing that you have the chance of being the first in history to hold three different title belts?
DH: It's amazing, I think that it is a great opportunity that I have in front of me and I want to make sure that I don't waste that opportunity and make sure I'm definitely as prepared as I can be for this fight, mentally and physically, on that night to win.
BZ: Are you planning to change anything in training to prepare yourself for Rampage Jackson?
DH: Yeah, I'm obviously going to switch it up and do more elbows to the face and head. I brushed up on my wrestling and my standup so, it's pretty much business as usual with some specifics in mind.
BZ: Do you have a prediction for us?
DH: Haha, well I definitely want to be the winner for that one, more likely in the later rounds if not a decision, depends on what condition he comes in at.
BZ: Do you have any knowledge as to what organization fellow Team Quest fighter, Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou has his eyes set upon?
DH: Well I manage him, so I do know, but nothing is set in stone. I'd rather not comment until then, when things are confirmed.
BZ: Fighting the majority of your career in Japan, how welcoming are fans here in the U.S.?
DH: Uh well, they're a little bit more rowdy, a little drunker, and they boo a little bit more but, you know, the excitement is there, the energy is there. Its very comparable energy wise, they're just different, I like them both.
BZ: Having fought in UFC 17, do you prefer fighting in a cage or a ring?
DH: I prefer the ring; I prefer to watch the fights through the ring too.
BZ: So far, how was UFC's treatment towards you differing from that of PRIDE's?
DH: You know it's fair to this point, still in the feeling out period. They haven't completely come to me with open arms, so I'm a little apprehensive. But, I'll be in the UFC for a long time and I plan to finish my career in the UFC. We're just starting out the relationship.
BZ: Okay Dan, I think that's it. Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us today. We really appreciate it.
DH: No problem, let me know if you need anything else. Just give me a call anytime. Have a good one guys.